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Bernard Shakey, songwriter ( part one ).
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Iscritto dal 15 agosto 2011 Vai al suo profilo
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Bernard Shakey, songwriter ( part one ).

In questi tempi di PapaCabana

( un Papa SocialDemocratico ? un Papa Utopico ? 1 miliardo di persone con 2 carote ? ...e comunque Nanni Moretti c'ha preso anche 'stavolta : eccoli, i cardinali cartoonizzati di "Habemus Papam" : un po' è Rio, un po' le papa-girls di tanga vestite, un po' è che Todo Cambia ( perché nulla cambi ? ), ma comunque : ),

in 'attesa' che il " Let's Impeach the 'President' " ( di un processo 'a caso' ) della Corte di Cassazione - Sezione Feriale di questi fine Luglio - inizio Agosto 2013 si compia,

e in omaggio a J.J.Cale ( 5 Dicembre 1938 - 26 Luglio 2013 ) : 17 ( + 1 ) Album in Studio e le cover di Captain Beefheart, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Eric Clapton, Waylon Jennings...

" Of all the players I ever heard, it’s gotta be Hendrix and J.J. Cale who are the best electric guitar players ".
Neil Young in " Shakey : Neil Young's Biography " by Jimmy McDonough, 2013.

§§§ Goin' Home, part I, 1922 ( europei, africani, amerindi ) :   [ 240p, William Arms Fisher - Antonin Dvorak ]

Pocahontas Evolution a le Capannelle.
1982 :
2013 :
Un file audio ed uno A/V di pessima qualità, solo come testimonianza.

Out >><< of the black << (*) >> into >><< the blue

[ ...1... ]
Jonathan Demme
from Original SoundTrack Album, 1994   [ 240p - spezzone del film ]   [ 720p ]

Sometimes I think that I know
What love's all about
And when I see the light
I know I'll be all right.
I've got my friends in the world,
I had my friends
When we were boys and girls
And the secrets came unfurled.
City of brotherly love
Place I call home
Don't turn your back on me
I don't want to be alone
Love lasts forever. [...]

[ ...2... ]
Dead Man
Jim Jarmush
from OSTA, 1996
Main Theme - Various :   [ 480p - con suoni ambientali ]   [ 480p ]   [ 360p - feat. Johnny Depp ]
Guitar Solo #5 :   [ 720p ]
Album Completo :   [ 240p ]

[ ...3... ]
Rachel Getting Married
Jonathan Demme
Unknow Legend
from the Studio Album "Harvest Moon", 1992

[ 1080p - spezzone del film ( Babatunde Omoroga "Tunde" Adebimpe, a cappella ) ]

She used to work in a diner
Never saw a woman look finer
I used to order just to watch her float across the floor
She grew up in a small town
Never put her roots down
Daddy always kept movin' so she did too
Somewhere on a desert highway
She rides a Harley-Davidson
Her long blonde hair flyin' in the wind
She's been runnin' half her life
The chrome and steel she rides
Collidin' with the very air she breathes
The air she breathes
You know it ain't easy
You got to hold on
She was an unknown legend in her time
Now she's dressin' two kids
Lookin' for a magic kiss
She gets the far-away look in her eyes
Somewhere on a desert higway...

[ ...4... ]
the Last Waltz
Martin Scorsese
from the Studio Album " Déjà Vu " by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, 1969-'70   [ 380p - spezzone del film ]   [ 720p - solo audio ]
Bob, Neil Y., Ringo, Eric, Ron, Joni, Van, Neil D., Richard, Dr., Marty...   [ 480p ]

[ ...5... ...6... ...7... ]
Neil Young : Heart of Gold - J.Demme - 2006
Neil Young Trunk Show - J.Demme - 2009
Neil Young Journeys - J.Demme - 2011
( magari nella possibile part two, mi son già perso abbastanza...)

[ ...8... ]
Neil Young
from the Studio Album "Greendale", 2003
Carmichael   [ 480p - spezzone del film ]   [ 1080p - album version ]
Ovvero : Raccontare una Storia.

[ ...9... ]
Living With War - 2006

Album Intero, sottotitoli inglese :   [ 240p ]
Album Intero - Versione "In the Beginning", più ruvida, senza orchestra :   [ 360p ]

Intera TrackList - Official VideoClip from Studio Album + DVD, in pratica un 'vero e proprio' film   [ 240p - 480p ] :

After the Garden :

Living With War :

the Restless Consumer :
Shock and Awe :
Families :
Flags of Freedom :

Let's Impeach the President :

Lookin' for a Leader :

Roger and Out :
America the Beautiful :
( se la si considera ultra retorica ( patriottica, oltranzista, reazionaria ), leggersi i sottopancia che scorrono, grazie ).

[ ...10... ...bis... ]
Ed ora, due canzoni che sono dei veri e propri corto-mediometraggi :

Ordinary People ( from the Studio Album "Chrome Dreams II", 2007: canzone incisa nell'estate del 1988...out-take of Studio Album "Freedom", 1989 )   [ 1080p ]

Come dicevo... : Raccontare una Storia.

Walk Like a Giant ( from the Studio Album "Psychedelic Pill" with Crazy Horse, 2013 ) :   [ 1080p ]

A seguire ( forse ) : Fear and Loathing in LasVegas, Wonder Boys, Coming Home, American Beauty, Jesus' Son, Almost Famous, Dogtown and Z Boys, Californication...

E buona estate a tutti, estate di cambiamenti, di ritorni, di autunni caldi che si spengono tutti uguali :

Double E - Greendale   [ 1080p ]

[...] Change comes slow in the country
When you're new
There's a lot of distrust
Years pass by uneventful
And memories turn to dust [...]
Dusty white eldorado
Cruisin' through the trees
Slippin' through the shadows
Of what used to be
[...] Back in the day
Livin' in the summer of love
Livin' in the summer of love [...]

E buon "Fork in the Road".

"Lavoratoriii ?!!" :

Got a pot belly / It's not too big
Gets in my way / When I'm driving my rig...

§§§ Goin' Home, part II, 2002 : altre guerre, le solite ( dal suo album, a parte i 'fatidici' anni '80, meno capito, condizionato dalla retorica - presente per lo più nell'orecchio di chi ascolta - del post 11/9, " Are You Passionate ? " ) :   [ 1080p, live ]   [ 480p, studio album version ]

Keep on Rockin' in the Free World.

(*) Rock and roll can never die / There's more to the picture than meets the eye...  

Playlist film


  • Drammatico
  • USA
  • durata 125'

Titolo originale Philadelphia

Regia di Jonathan Demme

Con Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Antonio Banderas, Roberta Maxwell, Jason Robards


In streaming su Amazon Video

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Rachel sta per sposarsi

  • Drammatico
  • USA
  • durata 116'

Titolo originale Rachel Getting Married

Regia di Jonathan Demme

Con Anne Hathaway, Rosemarie DeWitt, Mather Zickel, Bill Irwin, Anna Deavere Smith

Rachel sta per sposarsi

In streaming su Amazon Video

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Neil Young Journeys

  • Documentario
  • USA
  • durata 87'

Titolo originale Neil Young Journeys

Regia di Jonathan Demme

Con Neil Young, Bob Young

Neil Young Journeys

In streaming su Amazon Video

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