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Esmail è un giovane iraniano che ha disperatamente bisogno di incontrare donne che possano aiutarlo a rimanere in Danimarca. Quando il tempo a sua disposizione si esaurisce, Esmail si innamora ma il suo passato non è disposto a lasciarlo libero.

Commenti (1) vedi tutti

  • A clever movie on identity, sense of being someone from somewhere with the rules, religion, food, taste this may imply. When these roots change cause one no longer live in the same place and territory it means these value are not so strong. This is the case of a young man who goes from Iran In Denmark to find a way to support his family.

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gaiart di gaiart
7 stelle

A clever movie on identity, sense of being someone from somewhere with the rules, religion, food, taste this may imply. When these roots change cause one no longer live in the same place and territory it means these value are not so strong.   This is the case of a young man who goes from Iran In Denmark to find a way to support his family. Unfortnately once there all his rules disappear,… leggi tutto

1 recensioni positive



gaiart di gaiart
7 stelle

A clever movie on identity, sense of being someone from somewhere with the rules, religion, food, taste this may imply. When these roots change cause one no longer live in the same place and territory it means these value are not so strong.   This is the case of a young man who goes from Iran In Denmark to find a way to support his family. Unfortnately once there all his rules disappear,…

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