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Episodio 1x16

1x16 L'indovino cieco

  • Stagione 1
  • Episodio 16
  • Titolo originale The Blind Fortune Teller
  • Prima trasmissione 16 feb 2015
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Barbara torna a Gotham e scopre Ivy e Selina nel suo appartamento. Mentre Mooney ed altri prigionieri stanno organizzando un piano per fuggire dalla prigione, scoprono di essere stati rapiti nell'ambito di un traffico di organi. Gordon e Leslie indagano sull'omicidio di una danzatrice di serpenti del circo Haly. Uno squilibrato chiamato Paul Cicero avvicina Gordon affermando di aver ricevuto un messaggio dalla ballerina morta. James is skeptical and thinks the psychic is covering up for the killer. Gordon accuses the dancer's son Jerome (Cameron Monaghan) of committing the murder, and tells him that Cicero is his biological father. Jerome begins laughing and admits that he killed his mother for being a "nagging, drunken whore". When customers begin to steadily decrease at Oswald Cobblepot's newly obtained club, Zsasz gives Cobblepot a tortured and completely reformed Butch Gilzean, who he says is knowledgeable when it comes to maintaining clubs and has been "working on him" for days. Taking advice from Selina and Ivy, Barbara attempts to re-unite with James, but changes her mind after she sees him kissing Leslie. Bruce holds a board meeting at Wayne Enterprises and voices concern to the executives that the company is involved with the mob. John Grayson and Mary Lloyd get engaged after the dispute between the two families are resolved. Mooney tells the lead captor at the prison named Thomas Schmidt (Elliot Villar) that she would like to meet with his boss


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