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We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks

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Iscritto dal 13 luglio 2008 Vai al suo profilo
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La recensione su We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks

di irvine
1 stelle

Tentativo di calunnia nei confronti di Julian Assange e Bradley Manning. Per maggiori dettagli (in inglese):


My humble opinion: this film is just a 2 hours long ad hominem fallacy on Assange and Manning, trying to portrait them as "troublemakers" coming from difficult childhoods/backgrounds so to shift the focus out of the politics that created the leaks and into these "troubled souls", reckless children that act out of hybris and not moral principles. I think even this could be worth watching if it had any factual support, but it surprisingly manages to ground itself only on lies. As it is, it's only interesting to watch if you compare it with WL's transcript, because there you can get some facts and see how skewed a documentary can be. As a conclusion, I'd say don't waste your money on this, specially supporting it.

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